Symposium 2006 Speakers

Daron Barnes
Daron graduated from NC State University in 1996 with a Bachelor's degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. He has been an employee of the Commission for five years, and became the Permits and Planning Supervisor last year, responsible for controlled hunting preserves, damage control agents, special hunt opportunities, captive cervid facilities, fawn rehab, and special permits

Jean Chamberlain
Jean and her husband have been rehabilitators for 15 years, rehabilitating raptors for more than 10 years. She is particularly interested in animal behavior and involved in all aspects of education programs and training. She helped design and teach WRNC's Refresher and Basic Courses and organizes the symposium each year. Jean is past president for WRNC and is the web adminstrator for WRNC and IWRC. She is retired from a career in Information Technology.

Glenda Combs
Glenda has been an active rehabilitator for about 20 years. She's a member of Wildlife Rehab, Inc. She helps teach their spring and fall rehabilitation classes at Forsyth Tech. She especially enjoys mammals. A groundhog was the first animal that she rehabilitated and she became fascinated with their complexity.

James R. Flowers, Ph.D.
Dr. Flowers graduated with a Ph. D. in Parasitology from the Zoology Department of North Carolina State University in 1994. He has been a member of the Parasitology Group at the College of Veterinary Medicine since 1997. His main research and interest is in Wildlife Helminth Parasites, their identification, distribution, taxonomy, evolution and ecology.

Krista Fox

Jennifer Gordon
Jennifer started rehabbing in 2001 when she found a clutch of orphaned ducks. She worked under local rehabbers until 2003 when she founded the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. Since then CWR has taken in approximately 500 birds a year. Her specialties are waterfowl and wading birds since they are the bulk of the birds they take in.
She has been a volunteer at the Carolina Raptor Center since 2003 working approximately 200 hours in the rehabilitation and resident bird care departments.
She is also the founder of the Duck Rescue Network which is still in the beginning stages but seeks to network rehabilitators along with other rescuers across the county. They work on placement of non-releasable waterfowl, adoption assistance for domestic waterfowl, share health and care information and husbandry. They also coordinate rescues and transports across the county.

Elizabeth Hanrahan

Cheryl Hoggard, DVM

Bob Kiger

Berry O'Leary

Carmen Simonton

James E. Smallwood, DVM, MS
Dr. Smallwood received his veterinary degree and a master of science in veterinary anatomy from Texas A&M University. He is currently the Alumni Distinquished Professor of Anatomy at North Carolina State University. He has been awarded many teaching awards and has written numerous publications on anatomy. His primary areas of research interest are radiographic anatomy, computed tomagraphy and magnetic resonance imaging.

Dr. Arnaud Van Wettere

Karen Wolf, DVM


Additional speaker info will be added as it becomes available.

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